Chronicle trailer

1) How does the trailer use media language to engage the audience? (12) This question is about DISTINCT, camera, editing, mise en scene and sound. What about these does the clip do effectively to create a sense of enigma and interest, what questions does it make you ask? How does it make the audience want to go and see the film which is the purpose of the trailer. You will be using media language in the other questions too don't be afraid to repeat certain shots or sounds etc.

2) How is the institution alluding to a variety of different film genres? (12) What other genres does this trailer incorporate and how. Also bring institution into it and why.

3) How do certain features of the trailer identify the target audience? (12) What about this clip is targeting more of a teen audience?

4) How are teenagers represented in this clip? (12) Describe specific events, dialogue, effects, events, reactions that would be typical or atypical of a teen and why. Always give examples.