MEST 2 Evaluation

MEST 2 Evaluation

 General Guidelines

Write in word. This is a technical, precise piece, not an English essay. Think of it in terms of a technical manual. Write your name, centre number (16339) and centre name (Great Baddow High School) in the header, so that they appear on both pages. In the footer write the total word count (this can be done by going to the tools menu). Add page numbers by going to the insert menu. Do not exceed the 1,500-word limit by more than 10%. This piece is worth 20% of the total coursework mark so don’t groan if we feel redrafting is necessary, THIS EVALUATION IS VITAL! The piece must be completed by Monday April 22nd. It is only 1,500 words, but these 1,500 words must be carefully chosen, there is no room for waffle if you want a good mark.

Paragraph 1 (target 150 words)

State clearly which brief you chose to address and your intentions with each piece. Identify your specific role in your first production (do not state that you ‘helped out generally’, but be clear about what you did, and how you went about it) and again address your intentions (what you planned to do!). Then focus on your magazine article or website and what you hoped to achieve.  

Paragraph 2, 3 & 4? (target 700 words max).

Write a separate paragraph for each production piece. Again focusing on how you have attempted to achieve the objectives of the brief. For example, explain how your music promotional video targeted ‘.... a largely youth-based market but are keen to promote the act in a way that will appeal to more than just a niche audience,’ or how your magazine article(s) has promotes your artist/band. Refer to your research when making their decisions (I discovered that band websites usually have... so I used.../ In Kerrang I saw most images I took this idea and....).
For both pieces you need to discuss the media (key) concepts, in particular audience, and how these relate to your production. State clearly who is the production aimed at and how did it achieve this?


Paragraph 5 (target 400 words)

Perform a more detailed textual analysis of the production; what was in the piece, how did it work, how could it have been improved? Clearly explain what were its strengths and weaknesses? Why? For example, you might want to emphasise your use of sound/camera shots/setting etc and how these created a sense of verisimilitude or how the magazine attempted to appeal. How does it compare with real media texts?

Paragraph 6 (target 200 words)

Readdress the decisions you made during production, why? Did you make any changes, if so why? What did you learn along the way what were some of the significant changes you made.

Paragraph 7 (target 50 words)

Reference to the 3rd platform. Give a brief outline of two/three of the main features you would have included and how these adhere to the brief.


What have you learnt from the project from research to final productions? Refer to independent learning, time keeping, forms and conventions of media texts and the technologies and skills you have gained.