MEST 1 June 2012 exam

Up to 1:36 Matt Groning credit

You are about to see the title sequence for The Simpsons episode 'MoneyBART' first broadcast in the UK on 21 October 2010 at 6pm on Channel 4. 
The titles were storyboarded by celebrated British street artist

Banksy, who is renowned for

his controversial graffiti and whose identity remains a closely guarded secret. It was the first

time that an artist was involved in the opening credits of the show, one of the most successful

television brands of all time.

In general the titles begin in their usual way and then move into an extended sequence. This

sequence was apparently inspired by reports that

Twentieth Century Fox sends out some of

their animation for

The Simpsons to a company in South Korea. Outsourcing in this way would

mean that episodes could be mass produced more cheaply.

The Simpsons

has a reputation for being cheekily disrespectful to its parent company, Twentieth

Century Fox

, who initially pulled the title sequence from YouTube, claiming that it breached

copyright restrictions. Quickly going viral, the sequence later reappeared and within a few

weeks received over five million hits.

1 Media Forms
How does the opening of this title sequence use media language to draw the

audience into the programme?

(12 marks)

2 Media Representations

How does the extended sequence represent the workplace?

(12 marks)

3 Media Institutions

How does the extended sequence make fun of the commercial nature of media


(12 marks)

4 Media Audiences

What features of the whole sequence made it so popular on YouTube? (12 marks)