Week commencing 21st / 28th January

After editing you need to upload onto youtube and embed onto your blogs. Under this you need to reflect on your learning and answer the following questions. I would like you to present them to the class by the end of the week commencing 20th January and get feedback so you're all ready for the real production. Your presentation should include:

- Is the music genre easily identifiable, how? If not, what will you do to demonstrate this is your final production?
- Thinking about media language, which aspects of the filming worked best? Interview, singing, static shots and why? Any background buildings, people that didn't really fit? Which didn't come out as well as you'd hoped and why. Sound ok? Any background noise?
Mise en scene - costume, lighting, actors, makeup, props, setting - which worked and what other elements will you include in your final production?
- what have you done or will you do to create an image for your artist/band that will appeal to a wider audience? Are you constructing a recognisable 'brand'? How is your artist being represented?
Others in the class will also be assessing your work.

You must reflect on your practise shoots, what you've learnt, what went well and what could be improved. It is essential you reflect on every stage of the process and there are plenty of objective sheets on the desk for you to fill as production diaries. Take turns in your group to summarise the tasks and learnings.

You will present your learnings and video to the rest of the class for discussion and feedback. This will also need to be recorded onto your blog.

Planning for your final production will then commence.

Week Commencing 28th January

Group Pre-production - this is where your plans and ideas must finalised. Expected evidence will be :
  1. Any amendments to pitch after feedback
  2. Research folders (more music documentary research)
  3. Create a timeline - 0-3 minutes where you annotate what you expect to see in each section -overview on one page.
  4. Choose tracks.
  5. Storyboards - length of shot / sound / any planned transitions
  6. Shooting schedules - for every time you film
  7. Production diary must be kept for the group of what each individual is doing and learning.
  8. Interviews / Voiceovers
  9. Take group photos of every stage.
Group Production/post-production: shoot and edit music documentary, shoot publicity stills, design album cover, brands, links to social networks, advert/website. Screen grabs of every stage as evidence.

Final stage: Individual Follow-up work. Second productions. This includes audience feedback plus the evaluation.