Practise shoot

Practise mini production 14/01/13 - You have this lesson to prepare, plan and storyboard for your next lesson which will be completing the following task. A 30 second mini intro to your artist/band.

These 30 seconds must take your chosen genre into consideration:
  1.  lip synch of a song of your chosen genre (artist needs to sing out loud to make it realistic but what we'll hear is the track). You will need to be able to hear the song on location.
  2.  low angle mid shot of artist
  3.  side angle close up
  4. 360 degree tracking shot
  5.  static shot, band or artist walking up to camera (long shot to close up)
  6. following artist into a different location
  7. interview (one/two questions in this case) with level mid shot
  8. i/v side shot - various cutaways of anything in the area (or maybe some fans) to intercut with so we don't overshoot the band
The interview could be a bit longer and then you could use that sound over images of band relaxing etc. You will all need to take responsibility for various aspects of this task - ie costumes and props, keeping tabs of shots taken, carrying equipment, locations etc. It will probably take another lesson and maybe a free to finish editing and it but it will hopefully give you some great practise and avoid any mistakes in the real shoot.